“The Balls” NFT’s as a Utility Asset: What’s in store for you?

2 min readSep 8, 2021

We’ve announced our first collection of NFTs, but what’s their purpose and utility besides being collectible?

NFTs are such an interesting asset: they can be used for so much more than just collecting them. As you might have noticed in our previous article, our collections will be used for making the game even more appealing and engaging.

What’s the Plan? The NFT 2.0

Let’s dig deeper:

We’ve mentioned it before: collect to unlock. That’s our motto! Hey, if Tomb Raider could do it, why can’t we? (yes, we’ve left a link in Tomb Raider just in case you’ve been living in a cave for the past 25 years or you REALLY don’t like video games)

For now you probably already heard about our Legendary Challenges. And, you might even know that you’ll earn some $MOOVs if you can beat them. What you didn’t know is that if you possess a certain combination of these NFTs, you can have an early access to these challenges, becoming one of the first to try to beat these Legendary Fights!

And guess what? The first one to do it, will receive another NFT from that challenge.

The more NFTs you stack, the higher on the ranking you will be and the higher the rewards you will have.

Talking about utility, right?

But it shouldn’t have to end here! What more should we build?

What about using a unique ball on the challenges? Being different from your opponent? Why not using one of your NFTs as a skin on your ball?

What about creating a renting system where a skilled player that doesn’t have enough capital to buy a booster ball (that increases his/her rewards) could borrow a ball from a collector that doesn’t have a particular ability to play freestyle soccer but wants to boost his NFT returns? Do you think this would be cool to give more opportunities to the underprivileged but also to the underskilled?

We’re bringing together the physical and digital world, just like we always said we would. This 1st collection is the stepping stone for a new reality also built by you.

Let us know your thoughts. We are counting on YOU to shift the paradigm of NFTs inside dotmoovs app.




Dotmoovs is an #AI app with social-Fi and #web3 sports games. Download now 👇🏻 dotmoovs.com/app