This Week in Metrics:
- 77% Challenges Requested on the Plaftorm
- 43 Users From New Cities Registered
- 7% Higher MOOV Invested Per Challenges
- +50 New Users Registered
- Legendary NFT Packs SOLD OUT
Our road to the App is being built
“The Balls” Collection was launched to start a new phase on dotmoovs. A phase where engagement is key and entertainment is king. A unique collection of different legendary (sold out), rare and common balls, plus 1 Galaxy Ball that bring a solid pavement to where the app is going.
But, don’t be fooled by the rocks that we got! We’re still dotmoovs from the block. Our ultimate goal is to give you an unprecedented app where you can challenge people from all over the world in your favourite sports. Everything that we do is to come a step closer to an engaging environment where people truly have fun — both our most athletic ones and our biggest $MOOV supporters!
Marketplace, marketplace on the cloud, who is the fairest of them all?
Together with this collection, our Marketplace was launched. Although the Marketplace had been originally planned for later this quarter, we managed to secure its conclusion ahead of time.
Although this first collection is a limited one, everyone will get the chance to buy, trade or sell these collectibles on our Marketplace!
An updated Roadmap after spilling the guts on Telegram
We managed to grow faster than we were expecting and thanks to an amazing team of developers, data scientists and engineers, together with our fantastic team of business, marketing and growth managers, we managed to stay ahead of schedule and plan several new features to make the app even more engaging.
The Balls Collection was just the beginning and their utility together with the rewards multiplier they will add to the game, are among some of the most interesting features of the app. We’re bringing together the physical and digital world, just like we always said we would. This 1st collection is the stepping stone for a new reality also built by you.
Our Head of Growth, Ricardo, recently gave a pretty good insight on Telegram on what was about to happen in early 2022: introduce some amazing Branded Tournaments, a New Sport (beta version) and its corresponding NFT collection.
In the 2nd Quarter we expect to launch some of the most interesting and groundbreaking features such as the Branded Fun Hubs, the Social Network for Sports Scouting and Coaching and the Sports & Crypto Marketplace where you can earn and buy your favourite sports goods with the $MOOVs you have!
Sports M-i-n-i-n-g
Something that had been lingering in our heads for some time was the unique Sports Mining feature — and it’s finally coming! Our Sports Mining 1.0 brings an out-of-the-box concept to the table: what if we would allow our users to earn while playing but also when they’re not? By combining Play2Earn — where players earn when playing — with Staking — a way of earning while the tokens are parked (like a bank deposit when you earn some interest rate when you’re not moving your money around) — we’re bringing new ways to monetise your efforts and assets.
Opening for MORE users
We couldn’t finish this recap without mentioning that we keep opening our app to more and more people. Each week, we have been giving the chance of more users to test it — and it’s not by chance. Every day that goes by is bringing us a step closer to the BIG day.