$MOOV: The Ultimate Solution

4 min readApr 3, 2024


We’re thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the evolution of MOOV: the migration of our token to a new and improved smart contract on the Ethereum Mainnet. This move marks a pivotal moment in our journey, symbolizing our commitment to enhance security, reliability, and innovation within the MOOV ecosystem.

What’s Happening?

One of the biggest bridges in the web3 industry, Multichain, was a heavy component of the MOOV ecosystem that suffered sustained damages. The entire MOOV tokenomics were compromised due to this exploit and the trust in third-party bridges needed to be tackled effectively.

Our Solution

After a careful evaluation of the web3 landscape, we are proud to announce a new MOOV Smart Contract, featuring an intrinsic multi-chain capability designed to elevate the security and resilience of our tokenomics. This integration not only addresses past vulnerabilities but also lays the foundation for a more robust and scalable ecosystem, fortifying our infrastructure and safeguarding the trust of our community.

The token migration process is scheduled to commence on the 26th of April, 2024. All MOOV Token Holders will have 12 months to safely migrate their tokens to Ethereum through a dedicated portal. This extended timeframe is intended to ensure a smooth transition for all participants.

The New MOOV

In tandem with the token migration, we’re excited to announce new horizons for dotmoovs.

Building upon our foundation in sports AI-powered technology, we are venturing into diverse high-tech AI sectors such as Robotics, Remote Physiotherapy, and Smart Cities. This strategic move has been catalyzed by the support and recognition in our AI Technology of our partners in the Decentralize Portugal with Blockchain Agenda, the +1M euros funding we received until 2025. Leveraging the resources and expertise provided by the NVIDIA Inception Program, we are poised to explore new horizons and unlock the full potential of our AI technology.

As part of this evolution, we have introduced a fresh color palette for our logo, symbolizing our commitment to innovation, dynamism, and inclusivity. This rebranding initiative perfectly encapsulates our vision for a forward-thinking future, reaffirming our position at the forefront of the web3 industry.

Questions You Might Have

Migration Roadmap

April 24, 2024 from15:00 GMT to 19:00 GMT _ Removal of liquidity from exchanges

All LP providers should remove liquidity before this date. Our team will remove its liquidity on all exchanges in that timeframe to prepare for the snapshot of all addresses.

April 25, 2024 at 12:00 GMT _ Snapshot of token holders balances

At this date we will collect all the balances of all token holders and save it. Future transactions will not be taken into account. Token holders should not do any transfers of MOOV after this!

April 26, 2024 at 18:00 GMT _ New MOOV tokens launched on Ethereum Mainnet

There will be a website available for token holders to claim their MOOV tokens. The old tokens will no longer be valid. The migration period begins on April 26, 2024 at 18:00 GMT and lasts until April 26, 2025 at 18:00 GMT.

What happens if tokens aren’t migrated? — After the migration window closes, all unclaimed tokens will be securely burned. We encourage all holders to take advantage of the migration period to avoid any loss of assets.

Is this only for tokens in Binance Smart Chain? — No, the migration applies to MOOV in all chains. Token holders will have to claim the new MOOV tokens in Ethereum Mainnet.

How to migrate your MOOV tokens — Detailed instructions for migrating your MOOV tokens will be provided closer to the migration date. Rest assured, our team is committed to facilitating a seamless transition for every member of our community.

What happens to liquidity? — As part of the migration process, liquidity will be transitioned from the original contract pool to a new one. This ensures continuity and liquidity provision within the MOOV ecosystem.

What will be the tokenomics? — The new tokenomics will be announced on April 10, 2024.

Are we only going to be in ETH? — We have plans in motion to expand to new ecosystems, it’s part of our strategy, and everything will be announced as soon as possible.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our community for your unwavering support throughout this journey. Together, we are forging a path towards a brighter and more inclusive future powered by MOOV technology. Stay tuned for further updates and guidance as we embark on this exciting new chapter!




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