dotmoovs 2.0: Explaining the most recent changes in the app

5 min readAug 18, 2022


Beware: The upgrade to the new game economy is a gradual process. Still, a few app updates have already been released.

This article has been updated on November 21th, 2022 to account for the gradual launch of dotmoovs 2.0.

Creating a sustainable game economy is a huge undertaking. After the economy design comes the (apparent never-ending) modeling, the (repeated) testing, and only then, its long-awaited implementation. There are a lot of MOOVing parts indeed, but we’re always up for a challenge and tackled this endeavor head-on.

Below you’ll find what has changed so far and how those changes affect the game.

New collectibles

Who asked for shiny badges to enhance their profiles? Well, we did!
Badges are collectible items you get from playing on the dotmoovs app. When you win a special challenge or complete a specific task, you can be awarded a badge.

Players’ type, their login streak, number of completed challenges, number of wins, and interaction with fellow athletes are now rewarded with celebratory badges.

Looking for more detailed information? Don’t worry, we’ll soon update this topic.

Sync your dance videos before uploading

We noticed your knack for perfection, and who are we to stand in the way of that? With this new feature, you can now sync your dance routine to better match your teacher’s before uploading it. This will help improve our AI system and, consequently, your score.

Registering on the app is now easier than ever

All it takes is a username, email, and password, and you’re ready to MOOV! However, you are required to do one thing if you want total access to challenges and chat features, and that’s verifying your email. But here’s a little secret… once you do that and update your profile, you can get up to 60 xMOOVs to get things started.

Forget the betting system

It’s true! There’s no more betting before entering a challenge. To compete with other people, all you need is to have an NFT Sports Equipment, which you can buy or rent from a fellow player. Though there’s no more betting, XMOOV remains our in-app currency, and your best moves are rewarded accordingly.

Introducing player types

As suggested by our community, we changed the Veteran label of a player’s profile to Legend!

There are four player types to label a player’s profile: Rookie, Pro, Sports Miner, and Legend. These indicate the type of account an athlete has within the dotmoovs sports arena:

  • Rookie — just wants to play sports, have fun, and earn from it without knowing anything about crypto beforehand.
  • Pro — understands a bit about crypto and, as such, has their own NFT sports gear.
  • Sports Miner — stakes $MOOVs to maximize his rewards in the dotmoovs Sports Metaverse.
  • Legend — has an intricate knowledge of the crypto world and not only stakes $MOOVs but also owns NFT sports gear.

Play screen — something looks different

Updating the dotmoovs app’s usability and graphical aspect is an ongoing and interactive process. This not only depends on the expertise of the team’s software developers and UX/UI designers but also on the users’ feedback. Listening to dotmoovs players’ concerns and roadblocks allows us to work on improving the app’s overall user experience and fuel the platform’s growth. You talk, we listen!

In the app’s most recent update, the play screen has a much lighter, fun, and modern look and feel. Playing options continue to be divided into single-player, peer-2-peer, and tournament, and within each category, you’ll find the corresponding challenges.

Play screen: Before and after

Sports gear — there’s more than what meets the eye

Besides the already existing categories (Common, Rare, and Legendary), NFTs now have levels. There are 20 levels in total distributed by the three NFT categories. Levels determine the gear’s earning potential, maximum usage, and wear-out rate. In short, higher-level NFTs have a higher number of lives and wear out slower than lower-level ones.

Freeing NFTs from the limbo — lives and renting

NFT Sports Equipment is a crucial part of dotmoovs new game economy. Before, you could only use one NFT per challenge, and if your opponent took their time to accept that challenge or submit their performance, the NFT would be “stuck” in that waiting game and unable to be used in other challenges.

Instead of “locking” the entire NFT, dotmoovs now locks an NFT’s life per challenge, meaning that players can use their sports gear in different challenges at the same time as long as their NFT has lives. Simply put, an NFT with 5 lives can be used in 5 different simultaneous challenges.

Similarly, rented NFTs are no longer “locked” under a player’s inactivity. If an athlete fails to use their rented sports equipment for over a week, the NFT is automatically returned to the renting market, granting a different player the chance to MOOV with it.

Also, if so happens that no NFTs are available for rent, users can now set a reminder for when new equipment hits the market.

NFT Sports Equipment Market: Before and after

Profile screen — worthy of a glow-up

The profile screen has also been revamped to include more valuable information. You can now check your stats (friends, a.k.a. moovers; challenges; score; wins), assess your weekly progress, access your wallet and check your referral code. With the new game economy also came three new app sections:

  • Trophy shelf — where you’ll see all the trophies, badges, and medals that your moves granted you;
  • Sports bag — where you’ll find all of your NFT Sports Equipment, and you’ll be able to check on the gears’ lives and wear-out rate;
  • Player card — this is your dotmoovs “ID card” with your basic information like rank, player type, total score, number of wins, and referral code.
Profile screen: Before and after

A “bit” has changed so far, but rest assured there’s more news to come. Stay tuned and get MOOVing!




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